HIP is hosting multiple donation and collection days where we will be accepting clothing donations, children and adult cold weather gear is in most demand, camping gear, reusable bags, luggage/backpacks, toilet paper, new hygiene, and cleaning products.
Items will be distributed the last week of January at our annual Project Connect Resource Fair event.
Donations are accepted at locations and times listed below.
Due to space limitations, we are not accepting toys or shoes.
Thank you for your understanding and continued support.
Date | Time | Location |
November 16th | 5-630pm | Trident Cookhouse (downtown next to Papa Bears) |
November 30th | 5-630pm | Trident Cookhouse (downtown next to Papa Bears) |
December 3rd | 11am-1pm | Trident Cookhouse (downtown next to Papa Bears) |
December 7th | 5-630pm | Trident Cookhouse (downtown next to Papa Bears) |
December 17th | 11am-1pm | Humanity In Progress (3rd and Haugen |